We are the inspection, repair, retrofit and installation specialist for commercial doors, frames and builders hardware in Oregon and Washington. Call us today for a free quote on your commercial door repair and maintenance needs.
Oregon Door Consultants provides a resource for the maintenance and repair of all your commercial door needs. We can supply and install all automatic sliding and swinging doors (rated and non), frames, door hardware.
Our comprehensive offering allows customers to manage the entire opening from a single manufacturer.

1. Wood and hollow metal doors
2. Hollow metal frames
3. Electronic and mechanical door locks
4. Automatic door operators
5. Hinges
6. Door accessories
a. Flat goods (i.e. kickplates)
b. Electrified hardware (i.e. strikes)
c. Sensors, readers and controls
7. Exit devices
8. Door Activation
9. Manual door closers
Be confident that doing business with us you will talk with a trained and knowledgeable staff. All our employees are certified automatic door inspectors through the American Association of Automatic Door Manufactures. We also are certified fire and egress door assembly inspectors through the Door Hardware Institute.
AAADM Certified Inspectors
Are you needing a automatic door inspector? All of our technicians are American Association of Automatic Door manufactures (AAADM) certified technicians. We have resources geared toward our different customer base. Whether you automatic door needs are from the perspective of an Architect, Contractor, Healthcare, or Education we can take care of you.