We are always looking for ways to help our state school districts with all of the code challenges they face. None more evident than Oregon school security. The Builders Hardware Manufacturers Association (BHMA) has developed some resources on classroom security and safety in addition to the National Association of State Fire Marshals (NASFM). These documents simplify some of the technical information around code requirements and lock functions commonly used for classroom doors.
Consequently, we have put all of these documents on our site here:
- School Security FAQS for Fire Marshals
- School Security Talking Points for Legislative Issues
- Priority One Position Paper
- Lock ID and Retrofit Guide
Lock Down Drills
There is a story on NPR this morning called, 2 Big Teachers Unions Call For Rethinking Student Involvement In Lockdown Drills. So, the full report is here, and you can listen to a 3-minute audio clip (below) that includes an appearance by Guy Grace of the Partner Alliance for Safer Schools (PASS).
A new federal school safety website – schoolsafety.gov – went live yesterday, For instance, the PASS Guidelines are featured as one of the physical security resources on the site!
According to an article in Education Week
A joint effort of the U.S. departments of Education, Health and Human Services, Homeland Security, and Justice, the website—https://www.schoolsafety.gov—went live Monday as several parents whose children were killed in the rampage at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School met with President Trump at the White House just ahead of the two-year anniversary of the Feb. 14, 2018, shooting.
The idea of the federal school safety clearinghouse gained traction after some of those parents urged the federal lawmakers to establish best practices, citing the confusion among law enforcement agencies and school officials in Parkland as a former student came onto campus and opened fire, killing 17 and wounding 17 others.
School safety is largely a state and local concern, rather than a priority of the federal government. One Parkland parent who beta-test the website said, “there is power in bring a spotlight to an urgent issue”.
Contact us today. We can set up a time to come talk about your pain points and how we can address them. We can help navigate a school safety and security checklist. So, partnering with us will help you find the right solutions without breaking the budget. Above all, our goal is to be your strategic partner with all of Oregon School Security initiatives.