Are your school fire door inspections being completed annually? Are facilities technicians preforming the inspections? Does the facility technician have the knowledge and understanding of the operating components of the fire door assembly? Can the serve as the “qualified person” to preform the inspections as required by NFPA 80?
I would bet that you weren’t aware that NFPA 101 requires all fire door must be inspected and tested yearly. The requirements set forth in NFPA 101 mandating compliance with NFPA 80.
NFPA 101 has required fire door assemblies to comply with NFPA 80 for more than half a century. It wasn’t until the 2009 edition of NFPA 101 did the mandate referenced the use of NFPA 80, 2007 edition. The 2007 edition was the first time that the code required yearly inspection and testing of all fire door assemblies.
Below are the three codes that roll up under this mandate:
NFPA 80 Standard for Fire Door and Other Opening Protectives 2013 Edition
There are 13 points as a minimum that need to be verified to comply with the standard. You can find my post Fire Door Inspection Points has them listed here. The hard part about Fire Door Inspections is understanding how all the hardware should work together. And does the opening comply with all the chapters within the code.
What we have found the hardest part of preforming School Fire Door Inspections is putting the reports together. We work closely with many reporting agencies including regional fire marshals and local fire districts. This relationship allows us to help you in knowing that your up to compliance.
NFPA 101 Life Safety Code 2012 Edition
School Egress Doors need yearly inspections in addition to the annual School Fire Door Inspections. Furthermore, you can find my post Egress Door Inspection Points has them listed here. There are real differences between Egress and Fire Door Inspections. Because Egress Doors focus more on being able to safely exit the building. Here are the definitions of the three components of exiting:
3.3.81 – Exit. That portion of a means of egress that is separated from all other spaces of a building or structure by construction or equipment as required to provide a protected way of travel to the exit discharge.
3.3.82 Exit Access. That portion of a means of egress that leads to an exit.
3.3.83 Exit Discharge. That portion of a means of egress between the termination of an exit and the public way.
NFPA 105 Standard for Smoke Door Assemblies and Other Opening Protectives 2013 Edition
Smoke doors shall be inspected and tested in accordance with Chapter 5 of NFPA 80 Standard for Fire Doors and Other Opening Protectives. You can find my post Smoke Door Inspection Points has them listed here. Smoke and Fire Doors have many of the same inspection points. Where smoke doors depart is around gasketing and pressurized applications.
Contact us today, we can set up a time to come talk about your pain points and how we can address them. We can show you the reporting vehicle we use and how we track noncompliant doors and door systems. When noncompliant doors are identified we can also preform the services to bring them back into standard. Another service we provide is completing your Automatic Door AAADM Inspections. Let us be your strategic partner and take the headache away when your thinking about your doors.