Inspection of Swinging fire doors with builders hardware will verify the following:
- Labels are clearly visible and legible.
- No open holes or breaks exist in surfaces of either the door or frame.
- Glazing, vision light frames, and glazing beads are intact and securely fastened in place, if so equipped.
- The door, frame, hinges, hardware and noncombustible threshold are secured, aligned, and in working order with no visible signs of damage.
- No parts are missing or broken.
- Door clearances do not exceed clearances listed in 4.8.4 and
- The self-closing device is operational; that is, the active door completely closes when operated from the full open position.
- If a coordinator is installed, the inactive leaf closes before the active leaf.
- Latching hardware operates and secures the door when it is in the closed position.
- Auxiliary hardware items, which interfere or prohibit operation, are not installed on the door and frame.
- No field modifications to the door assembly have been performed that void the label.
- Meeting edge protection, gasketing and edge seals, where required, are inspected to verify their presence and integrity.
- Signage affixed to a door meets the requirements listed in 4.1.4.
Oregon and Washington Fire Codes
Both Oregon and Washington have their own adopted fire codes. To make it a little more convoluted, Both the Cities of Portland and Seattle have their own as well.

So, in these two States there are four different fire codes that are at play. A point often overlooked is the codes are based off International Fire Code. Washington State specifically uses the International Fire Code as there adopted state code.
In all the adopted codes (except the 2019 Oregon Fire Cope ) specifically, Chapter 7 identify that maintenance of smoke barriers and smoke partitions shall be in accordance with NFPA 105 (703.1.2) and Fire walls, fire barriers and fire partitions shall be maintained in accordance with NFPA 80 (703.1.3). This is where the state codes mandate the use of NFPA 80 Standard for Fire Doors and Other Opening Protectives also NFPA 105 Standard for Smoke Door Assemblies and Other Opening Protectives.
2019 Oregon Fire Code

It is important to realize, in the 2019 Oregon Fire Code there have been some revisions to streamline the verbiage. Chapter 7, Section 705.2. Inspection and maintenance says of opening protectives in fire-resistance-rated assemblies shall be in accordance with NFPA 80. Maintenance of opening protectives in smoke barriers will be in accordance with NFPA 80 similarly NFPA 105. Inspection and maintenance of openings in smoke partitions shall be in accordance with NFPA 105. Fire doors and smoke and draft control doors shall not be blocked, obstructed, or otherwise made inoperable. Replacement of fusible links will be prompt whenever fused or damaged. Opening protectives and smoke and draft control doors shall not be modified.”
Follow the link below to see our reporting based off the Fire Doors Inspection Points that all the adopted codes refer to. Oregon Door Consultants employs more certified and trained fire door inspectors than any other company in Oregon or Washington.